mantis shrimp


ok im am going to get a mantis shrimpand put him in the jbj 12 gallon dx.
i want to get one but ive heard that they can crack glass and i dont want him doing that to me!!! and for his cave how much lr should i put in there. also could i just feed him shrimp his whole life like cocktail shrimp then once in a while feed him crabs and snails does all this sound good


You should get an acrylic tank. 12 gallons is good I think. BUt what ever rock work you do have they usually can move it. But just get lik 12 lbs. of lr and make a little sturdy cave and he should be okay. But I think they do like live food. Not sure what to feed them though... guess the same other saltwater meat eaters would eat.


Active Member
Nasty little buggers. Be sure and watch out cause they can split you open and you wont even know it moved!


Active Member
Some ppl say they can if they hit it right but they have no reason to hit the glass. I dont know for sure, but I have seen shows on them and thoughs ppl say they can. I would go with acrylic just in case.