Mantis Shrimp


These guys can really break glass?!? (HOW DO THEY DO IT???) Or take off fingers! Sounds like these are worse than sharks!!!!!!


Active Member
WOW!!!, do really mean you have not heard of their rep, being in the hobby for 5 yrs., i'd have thought you'd have a better knowledge of them,, their strike has the velocity of a .22 cal. bullet, and sharp or club like appendages,
just think of waht a bullet can do to glass or bones


these guys can break the glass just by digging in the substrate, also they were given the nickname thumbsplitters by fisherman when they would catch them in fish nets and they can live up to that reputation to :eek: :eek: :eek:


Active Member
Try and get ahold of blueberryboomer. She posts here and lives in Mich. She is looking for one and may come and get it if you live close enough.

Staff member has 1 Peacock Mantis Shrimp available. 4+ inches and approx. half-dollar in diameter. Available under Shrimp in the store section. Needs its own individual tank. Beautiful and fascinating. :)


I never really studied the Mantis Shrimp. I was told to never touch one, and in the event of getting one in my tank to call a friend up cause he would take care of it. Never really thought much about them until this thread!
They sound pretty cool/dangerous to me!


Active Member
wallda they are, and you probably are best off not to mess with them, unless you know what you are doing, exactly, there is a lot of real good info on the net if you want o look at them closer, i can even provide some if you''d like, but personally the only dealings i want with one are readings, maybe someday, if i can afford a heavy acrylic aquarium, just for some i may try, but until then, i just don't want one in my main tank
as far as their abilities, according to usa today one had smashed a public aquarium(i think it was in oxford, it's been a lon time since i read it)
oh yeah, i think it is really neat that someone is willing to take care of them for you(in the event you got one), most people, i'd only make suggestion myself