mantis shrimp!!!!!!!



nope, its a smasher. he smashed the glass the second we put him in the aquarium. didnt shatter it though, just scared the crap out of us. peacocks are smashers. just the one we got doesnt particuarly seem to like doing it, I guess *shrugs*.


i had this SAME problem about 2 months ago!
I knew their was a noise being made at night
but no deaths.. no harm.. i just figured maybe it was my purple lobster or something.. until one evening i was doing some maintenance and had to move a few rocks around and as i picked up a rock, i got BIT by something!@ It STUNG like a bee stung me or something similar. I FREAKED OUT. I knew it was something from the rock because I was holding it while nothing was around me. SO i took the rock still in my hand and put it in the sink, filled it with hot fresh water & no less then 5 minutes later this nasty creature comes out! good luck!
& watch your fingers!


Originally Posted by mlwoods007
lol, do a search for "mantis shrimp" on youtub* and then tell me if you still want to touch him. i just actually just learned about them a month or so myself. They're beautiful looking, but d@mb those things are mean and kill everything, from what i could see. oh, and that clicking is him probably trying to bust open a crab or snail's shell.
good luck..
you are thinking of the peacock mantis shrimp
those are very large and a lot of people put those in biocubes & take a seat make some popcorn and watch them go after their live pray.
the hitchhiker most likely is NOT the peacock. It's a different relative of the mantis. Mine was about 2 1/2 - 3 inches in size. Dark grey/black with Green & yellow markings if i recall (i never took a picture, just flushed it down! lol)