mantis shrimp


Active Member
Well they are definitely not good to have in your main tank. They will eat fish if they can catch them, inverts, they are nasty little things. You never want to get your finger in the way of them either cause they can cut your finger pretty good. Some mantis shrimp have even cracked the tank glass before, but it rarely happens. I once had one and they are tricky to get out because they don't come out of their hiding spot very often.
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Is your new mantis shrimp not giving you the attention that you need? Stick your hand near him and he will show you how he feels. I will be your friend unless you are looking for just ladies. "Friend is a four letter word".~Cake


Active Member
Just to clarify, it seems you have 2 different types of mantis rolled in to one. There are clubbers and spearers...the clubbers generally go after snails, crabs, etc...the spearers will do more damage to fish...
Neither is great to have in a main tank though...and they're smart too...from what I understand, it is very rare to get anything other than a clubber hitchhiking in your LR.