mantis shrimp


Will the deadly mantis kill or harm either emerald crab or sally light foot? or how well does the 2 get along, the emerald and sally light foot? I have not seen my emeralds in awhile and I noticed sally lost a claw, which I am almost certain she lost it in combat, if so, with what?
Has anyone used a succesful method of trapping this guy?
That mantis has literally scared the crap out of unexpected viewers, looking in the tank when it will suddenly make its clicking noise that you can hear 2 blocks down the, I can honestly say he has been good for a laugh or two.
Mantis can make short work out of either of those. It will see any other invert as dinner. I would think there is a chance that your sally lost a claw to the mantis, but I would bet more on the emerald. A mantis probably would do more damage, even a small one.
As for trapping one , do a search on here. There have been some success in trapping them, though how it is done varies. I never have had to go after one , but I added one in my mini reef. I find them very interesting critters, though with all the rock in there I rarely see him now :( . There clicking can be VERY loud, I can see how it would startle someone. :)
If you do catch him, let people know on the BB, there are a number of people interested in them.


The most I seen of my mantis was a black lighting bolt shotting from one rock to the other, he is about 2 1/2 to 3' in size, and with over 100 lbs of rock locating that piticular rock had been a chore, he has a sense of humor also, once while he waa clicking away, I listened carfully and had good general idea were he was, by the time I dug the suspected rock out of the tank, it started clicking on the complete opposite side of the tank, I could just hear him laughing at me as I stood there with my stupid face in frustration.
I will try a trap and if anyone gets to him before I strangle it to death it's theres.


Active Member
Before grabbing a rock, be very careful. It can put some damage on your finger(s). (Just incase you didn't know). Hope ya catch it, and agree to let it be known if you get it out alive, some memebers want 'em. Good luck!