Mantis vs Crab Death Match!


That was horrible, that crab was trying to defend itself and get away the entire time. I am sorry I bothered to watch.


It is cruel- not just for the crab either. I'd be afraid the live food could hurt or introduce disease to the mantis. But what a beautiful peacock! I have a tank all ready for one, but can't find one locally anywhere. I intend to feed only frozen diet (assuming I ever find one, LOL). Anyone know of any for sale in the Tampa Bay area?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Is there anything these things wont or can't kill!? ***)

invert eating fish. To a trigger, lunare wrasse, ect ect it looks like any shelled crustascean. Its not as easy to club something thats trying to eat you and the clubs arent designed for clubbing. I'm sure larger octopus will make quick work of them too (not 2" blue rings saw that video). Not that a peacock mantis cant turn the tables but the natural order of things are large invert eating fish are natural pretators and comsumers of mantis. The time it took to kill that crab and full exposing of it self an aggressive and appropriate size invert eater would stand a pretty good chance of having mantis for dinner. A mantis would never come out exposing itself like that to attack those fish in a natural setting and larger quarters unless the fish was small or in self defense.
Also I'm tired of seeing videos of small or smaller than the mantis prey being thrown into a small species tank with an established mantis as if this is suprising to anyone the mantis beats the daylights out of it. there is nothing impressive about it. thats whats suppose to happen (its called feeding it). drop the mantis in a tank with established large as or larger triggers, puffers, lunare and bird wrasses like is always being done the other way around and if it survives the intitial attack or survives and kills something there that will be impressive.
For the record in the ocean that crab would have gotten away. It was mobile enough to flea farther and higher than the mantis would likely be willing to go but then there's those glass walls


That was cruel. the crab didn't even have room to run away. That really makes you want to put the owner underwater with his mantis shrimp for 3 min. 37secs.


Poor crab?
He put it in there to feed the mantis. It is no different than freezing a bunch of brine shrimp for feeding.
Do we have tree huggers on this board?

payton 350

Originally Posted by Triton
Poor crab?
He put it in there to feed the mantis. It is no different than freezing a bunch of brine shrimp for feeding.
Do we have tree huggers on this board?
exactly...what about live mysis, brine, shrimp, pods, etc....fresh is always better than frozen


that's awesome!!! ill probably get some negative feed back, but that was just awesome!!! i would love to see one in the wild!!! cool video.
I'm locking this thread. While predation is a way of life in our oceans and aquariums, I don't see the neccessity of glorifying it. 1Journeyman