

Active Member
Ok i just found my Green Chromis who was doing great in my QT.
It's the only thing in there and I see it on the sand all torn up?
So What the heck!
I look closer and I see tons of what I thought were Pods crawling all over it...
As I look at them closer they really resemble small Mantis..They are larger than pods and dark in color.
But could there be like 30 of them?
They thing that made me think Mantis was the way they moved somtimes..sort of like and Inch worm, like grabbing with the from legs and kicking with the back..
I had see a video on the net of a Large Mantis vs A Lobster and that's how he grabs the lobster and kicked with the back legs..
I Dunno....I'm Stumped..
I'll have to try and get pics.:confused: