Many questions on new set up


I hope the list attatches to this! I need my computer hubby here to help with that, but he is in D.C. today!
Past all that I have a few questions on a new setup
1. What should my levels read (opti, and cycling)
2. For anemone, what lighting should I have?
3. Can I add more LR after I get a fish, (my kids want a fish now, I am trying to hold them off till Nov 10)
4. I used some old LR the guy had stored in SW for 2 months while waiting to sell set up, is that OK in the tank? One has fur on it that I keep scrubbing off but it keeps coming back!
5. Why is the sky blue? JK
Levels read last night:
Temp 80 F
gravity between 1.021 and 1.022
Ph 8.2
Alk- normal
Ammonia .25
Nitrate 0
I do not want to put any critters in if the levels are not safe. I get my LR and LS today, then what testing schedule should I follow, and when is it ok to get a fish? I read about damsels cycling a tank, but I do not know how the kids would feel when I presented them fried once the tank was ready for other fish.
I am also considering a UV what can I get away with on the size tank I have
  • 180 reef ready / 20 gal sump
  • Wet/Dry
  • protien Skimmer
  • 2 Rio 2500 PH
    4 -30W all aquarium bulbs
    CC with 50 lbs LS
    • 50 lbs LR
    20 lbs stored for 2 months LR
:confused: :confused: :confused:


I see no one has answered your questions yet, so i will give it my best shot. these are my opinions:
1. your temp is fine, salinity 1.23, ph 8.3-8.4, alk 7-9, calcium 450-475, phosphate less than .3, ammonia 0, nitrates less than 40. when cycling your ammonia, nitrites will spike then drop, then your nitrate will spike way over 40 then drop to 0. the cycle takes approx 6-8weeks to be safe.
2. they like light , you need at least 5 watts per gallon of light for corals.
3. yes, but a piece here and there, live rock is live rock, even cured, it will have die off from the LFS to your house. treat it like a fish, add and wait a couple of weeks.
4. that old live rock is fine as long as it was in saltwater. it has hair algae, get a couple of red legs to eat it.
5. because it is
hope this helps, keep us posted


Active Member
Hi Crabbypants
Perhaps I can make a start on some questions.
Once the tank is cycled readings shoud be
Ammonia - 0
NitrItes - 0
NitrAtes - as low as possible, preferably 0.
Whilst your tank is cycling the Ammonia and NitrItes will rise and rise, then fall to zero. Nitrates will rise. When this happens tank is cycled ( can take weeks and weeks). Also, I believe you should not use skimmer whilst cycling.
Do not any critters or fish until tank is completely cycled.
You can add live rock at any time, but if it is mail order or uncured it should be put in some kind of quarantine tank (or similar) until any ammonia from die off has gone.
I would do some serious research before going any further.
Any help?


Active Member
5.) Blue light gets scattered (spread) around much more than all the other colors from the sun, causing the sky to appear blue.


THANK YOU ALL, I will one day look back at these questions and laugh. I am slowly learning, I will not add any animals till I have a perfect habitat. I am cycling and have plans for more LR, I will watch the spikes and not put any fish till all is leveled off, thanks.