map puffer 8inch

I have a map puffer who is not suppose to be aggressive. He shares a 125gal tank with a 5 inch miniatus grouper. The grouper was there first and when I added the puffer they lived together peacefully for about three weeks. Now I start to see nicks all over the groupers body. What should I do? Someone told me to remove the grouper before disease sets in. Is this true.


Active Member
In a 125 it is hard to believe that the Puffer is annoyed at the grouper unless the grouper is getting to close to the Puffer. Since you are new here I will point out that I also have a 125 with a pair of large Porks, a Dianas Hogfish and a Rock Beauty Angel and have no problems. The 2 smaller fish stay away from the Porks except when they all come for dinner then it is a free for all. I would ask do you have any rockwork that allows the grouper somewhere to be alone? Groupers and Puffers are considered compatible according to all my charts. Do you see any aggression on either fishes part? If these marks look like bite marks then you probably should follow your instinct to remove the Grouper before any real damage is done. Last how long have they been together and who went in last and when was that? You might want to go thru my profile or homepage and check out the Puffer info available thru that. Post answers to the above questions and we will see what we can help you with.


New Member
I've noticed they sometimes are fixated on a certain color. I have one that likes to chase and chew on red fish. Doesn't matter what size tank or fish.


Active Member
It is possible I suppose. My Porks Diana's Hogfish is a red fish with some white and black but the Porks ignore it and the Yellow and Blue Rock the same way. Hey fish are like people different it may just not like its tankmate or it could just be a temporary problem, after all 3 weeks is not a long time for a established fish to get happy over a new arrival. I would just as I said before keep a close eye on them for a bit and see if they can sort out their differences.
The grouper was in the tank first then I added the puffer within twenty days. I have several places for the grouper to hide or be alone. I have driftwood and to coral rocks. I never see any confrentation between the two but the grouper has a number of nick all over his body.
How much do you know about lowering my nitrite ppm?


Active Member
nitrite is normally the 2nd product in the cycling of a tank. If the tank is established and you are getting a nitrite reading the I normally would go for a water change to lower it. If the tank is cycling still then it is a stage that has to happen as the bio establishes it self. Question that comes up based on your question is how old is tank and what is the readings you are getting. You can go thru the search feature for some great posts by the people who have gone thru this problem or wait till one of the experts on the bio cycle process answers you. Try the search tho for a fast reference.
After reading through all the post I found out two things one good, the other bad.
First thing is I found out that the puffer was not fighting the grouper, which is good.
Second thing, which is bad, my grouper has ICK.
What should I do? This problem has gone undetected for over three weeks. :confused: