maracyn 2 killing my trigger?


ok i have my puffer and trigger in my 20 gal QT with a divider.. i finsihed 3 weeks hypo and all is well until i started the 5 day maracyn 2 treatment... day 2 and the puffer is fine but the trigger is laying on his side???? is he gonna die he looks all off balance and laying there and breathing hard....
should i stop treatment????:help:
can antibiotics kill fish???
plus the water is kinda green not clear.
dont think hes gonna make it


What are you treating for?
Do a partial water change, now.


Staff member
roggy23, what happened. You have such trouble with your fish, I'm having a hard time keeping up.
Yes do a water change. What filters are you using in the QT?? I ALWAYS recommend doing a partial water change just before each redose with Maracyn2. Did you do this?


trigger still laying on his side not moving much and barely breathing, puffer is ok but not fealing his best becasue hes not the usual all over the place... i did many water changes and im stopping the treatments... i think my puffer might make it but not sure about trigger... any more advice???


Staff member
If you have completed the treatment for the puffer, then move him back to the display....assuming is is good to go at this point.
What are your water readings in the QT?


today my trigger died in the hospital tank and now i did a 50% water change to rid the system of the antibiotics. my puffer seems so so a lot better than the trigger did but i noticed the puffer has a white blotch on his fin much larger than an ich stain. im raising salinity now to get my puffer to my DTank.
i think i can save him atleast, wish me luck


the blotch is on 2 different fins kinda at the tail end of the fins.
it looks kinda milky and its not transparent. white cloudy in color, not in ick or wart form...???


thanks for the pic beth, wow that fish is in bad shape,
anyway with enough water changes the puffer made it and is acting normal again, the blotch seems to be fading as well i can barely see it.
i just dont understand why the antibiotics effected the trigger the way it did. think ill think twice before using antibiotics again:thinking:


oh those look more like spotted blotches mine seemed to have covered an area (small area) like it was smeered on like butter??


Staff member
I try to recommend doing water changes or even carbon filtration for a couple hrs just before redosing with antibiiotics. The problem with antibiotics is that they can and do seriously effect water quality. It has been my own personal exp that doing one or both of the above really seems to make the procedure that much less stressful for fish.


i decided to stop the treatment after day 2 anyway beth, but it seems like the water changes helped.
Puffer back to normal :cheer: :cheer: :D


Staff member
Good news! Optimize food for the puffer. Try using some freshly minced garlic in your frozen or fresh mixed food.


beth, i use 2 drops of kent garlic extreme in the 20 gal a day and i have soaked the frozen foods in guarlic guard sound good?


Active Member
Roggy, - did the brief treatment with antibiotics help the eye?
Beth, - that's a great picture. Was that a Heniochus butterfly with fin and tail rot?
Mine looked like that shortly after I put it in my tank but seemed to recover with only good nutrition and garlic extreme.


Active Member

Originally posted by fishtanker
i think that pic is lymphocytis elfdoc.

Beth - What do you think?
Roggy - Sorry that the eye didn't recover. I guess I am not surprised. I am somewhat surprised that the treatment was so toxic to your trigger. In human medicine, doctors are being taught to try not to prescribe antibiotics unless absolutely necessary - because unanticipated side effects often outweigh potential benefits.