

i am gettin some macro algae soon and was wondering i know that they eat nitrates what else do they eat? and do i have to acclimate them?? and do they have pods when i get them?


Active Member
some may have pods. you are most likely to get pocs from live rock. you dont realy need to acclimate it IMO. you could if it would make you feel safer. And they eat light energy. More reason to upgrade.


but they do eat nitrates right? and do u guys no how much calarepa is and that other stringy macro?? and can i cut it witout it diing?


Active Member
youy can cut it pretty much all you want. It will do better if the leafey parts are in tact though.
my LFS sells a handful for 5 bucks. I bet you can find someone around you to give you some.
but yes, they do use nitrates to grow. They need the nitrogen for the bases while synthesizing DNA like all organisms.


Active Member
many will. A basket or a clear box or refugium is commonly used to try to prevent this. just make sure it is getting some light.


Active Member
Yes, the tang will eat it.
No, caluerpa does not always survive well being cut. Macro algaes aren't plants, but still unicellular algaes. Cutting them can kill them.
They will help
to lower nitrates, but SLOWLY.... Macro algaes are not a "cure all".
Shista, GET A BOOK!!! You've got to research stuff on your own before you make decisions to "get" things.


i dont want to start a new thread but my polyps that i bought about 2 months ago were doing fine till yesterday. the little tentacle things at the end of them are facing down.


Active Member
what type of polyps? most green buttons i see are like that. They could be stretching for more light. a pic would be necesary.


ill try to post a pic. but there is a mix of brown yellow and some other kind that is brown and green in color.