Marine Beta


I posted on Fish Discussion but no answers, Anyone have one of these? I have put money down on one to hold but am starting to re think my choice, Should i get him or not. I have a Maroon Clown, Purple Tang, Diamond Goby, Psychedelic Manderin, Six Line Wrasse in a 72gl. Am I adding to much fish? I do have a cleaner shrimp its 3.5 - 4 iches long i think he is to big to bother but, not sure. Am i risking my shrimps life for no reason? Or will i be ok with adding such a fish..
Please help any advice is good advice.


Active Member
I'd say you are at your max with all the LR you need for that killed a lot of your swimming space.


Well, The only thing i can say is my Manderin takes ALL prepared foods. You name it he eats it. I do order pods from time to time but, he eats mysis, brine, bloodworms it doesnt matter he just eats. Anyways... i do not think my Rock has a whole lot to do with it ... or am i just grasping at straws here trying to get this fish....If i sound desperate please let me know....


Active Member
Oh I think everyone has been in your situation before. I know I have been gawking at fish in the fish store wondering if I could fit just one more. haha. How much rock do you have?


Active Member
Not bad. Where in STL are ya? I lived in Sullivan for a few years. Blew an engine in my car in O'Fallon.


Im on the East side.... In Collinsville..... Was that O fallon Mo. or O fallon Ill. The store im talking about is Aquatic Treasuers are you familiar ? That is where i bought all my equip. they have always treated me fairly and there advice has been good. The one guy did tell me that this fish will eat small shrimp... The only shrimp he would encounter would be my cleaner which is almost 4 iches long... i think its too big for the beta...


Active Member
O'Fallon MO. Not too familiar with the East side...I tried to stay away from those parts. Haven't heard of the store you are talking about. I wasn't into SWF till I joined the AF and was stationed here.


Active Member
I keep one in my reef and no problems......I don't know if I'd put him in a 72 though....I hardly see mine unless I feed brine....I just know where he hides out though, so I look for him.....


Scott AFB is about 10 miles from here..... Also the East side is not as bad as prabably you have heard... Just the parts right across the Mighty Miss...


Put it in there when i got my LR thougth it would add a little sea wreckage atmosphere... dont think it really worked. I had a bi color blenney that like the bottles. You really cant see but, on the far right side there is a smaller jar/vase the he used to go to .. He now sleeps with the fishes...