marine bettas


Sorry im assaulting the msg board this is my third one releltivly you think that in a tank with no small crabs or shrimp a marine betta will be reef safe? My smallest fish are some medium sized true percs and i dont plan on getting the bettas til my 90 is setup and for sure runnign well (prolly late january). I'd also like to add 2-3 at the same time. I would also have a few dawrf angels of some type with them. Does this sound like a reasonable stocking plan or would the bettas be nippy?


Marine Bettas are considered aggresive only because they love to eat shrimp and VERY small fishes. Other than that, they will leave your rockwork, corals, and most fishes alone. I have mine in my reef tank for two years now without a problem. But Its gotten pretty big, so I'm gonna have to see if I can get some store credit for him.


Marine Bettas can grow to 8" or more and are not recommended for reef systems. They're nocturnal and require lots of places to hide from bright lights. Suggested for fish only systems.