Marine Bio-Booster?

I have been having a fascinating time with my nitrate levels being high, I have done water changes almost on a weekly basis now, which I don't mind doing, but the guy at my lfs told me to get this Marine Bio-Booster, because of the nitrates, and a low PH(8.2)
Figuring I wanted to do what I could to keep my tank healthy I bought the smallest bottle for under 10bucks. What is it really for and do I need this?...I much rather add as little chem's as I need.
He also told me to hook my bio-wheel back up for the biological filtration because I am only using the Magnum cannister filter. Is this necessary? All the corals seem happier w/o it. (they open up)
35lbs. LR
3in. sub (aragonite)
1 Regal tang
1 Cinnamon Clown
1 Eyelash Blenny
1 Mandarin Goby
1 red plume rock
1 zoanthid
1 mint green polyp colony
1 black polyp colony
2 sea sponges (red and orange)
2 gorgonians (purple and yellow finger)
Clown trigger has his own 30gal. FO till I move....then he gets the 120 with the Regal and Mandarin


Active Member
I never heard of nitrates reduction in a bottle. What is your gravel setup and what filtration do you have?
I recommend a natural nitrate reduction process with a good gravel bed. Keep the wheel in the trash, as you have noticed the corals are healthier w/o it.
If your canister has any mechanical filtration in it, I recommend removing it too as it will add to your nitrate problem and may be a source. If you clean the canister every three days then thats okay but I havent met the person who does that.
well I canned the bio-wheel, and set up my skimmer today, so i'm hoping that will help some. As for the filter It is just a cannister filter that I can either use activated carbon or a filter insert in. Being it is such as small tank it is hard to attach alot of stuff to, so I have been tuffing it out. the hard way i'm sure.