MaRiNe BiOlOgY ./././././


I LOVE my job! And I'm NOT delusional!
However, I work for myself and I work at home and I don't make much money.......


I know what you mean. Teaching seems to get lost in the shuffle with this job! We're too busy preparing for tests, taking tests, and reviewing tests. The rest of the time, we're in meetings to discuss the test scores or reading in the paper that the children would get better scores if teachers were properly "motivated!"
Sorry... I'll get off my soapbox! Just had to get that off my chest. :)
POHTR - That 's great! I know it really does happen. Unfortunately, mine is the bigger salary in the family, so I can't afford to get a lower one. Two wonderful little girls, 7 and 10, a 17 year old cat with thyroid problems, and this hobby to support.:D
I guess I'm not really complaining (okay, it sounds like it), just wondering what if! That's what retirement is for, right! It's April and the school year almost over. Yeah, summer!
Thanks, everyone!


Wow, is this thread making me breathe a sigh of relief or what?
I'm a wildlife biologist (or I used to be). When I was starting, I almost went to school in Alaska for MB, but my dad talked me out of it. Instead I stayed around here and just did wildlife biology. So now I know all kinds of fun stuff, like what animal every track, poop and hair (or feather) belongs to! Very glamorous!
When I was considering MB, I envisioned humpback whales, orcas and dolphins, but IMO that's the tip of iceberg. Just like in wildlife biology, you can put your emphasis on anything--my specialty is population dynamics and ecology. Sounds interesting, right? Now I major in tee-ball and diaper changing.