marine cats


New Member
Anyone out there have experience with marine catfish?
I bought ten about four months ago and they slowly became very
thin and wasted away. I fed the following twice a day: brine shrimp, PE mysis shrimp, cut up shrimp, all soaked with kent garlic extreme. I still have two left that look very healthy and getting larger, but trying to analyze what happened to the others.
They are in a 75 gallon reef tank with one other clowns and cleaner shrimp. Very little bioload and water parameters are within normal range.


you probably know,but if not..these are poisonius if you get stung..I had several and a couple also went "missing".maybe its a dominance thing..the 2 that did live grew to be 8-10 in..I have read they stress the bio-load...HTH


New Member
Dear Peasley:
thanks for the reply....I have only two coral cats left...they are
very bonded to each other and look very healthy. I believe
it was a dominance factor for the others. I fed twice a day and still the others just wasted away.