marineland eclipse3


New Member
I was told that there is a conversion kit for my eclipse hood that would enable me to put (2) two 55wt lights or even (1) one. Could anyone help me. The reason Im asking about the lights is so i could put live coral in my tank.
Thanx Andy
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


What size eclipse? petsolutions carries a retrofit for the eclipse12 system. 32 watt PC. That's the only one I remember seeing, but I'm sure there are more.


New Member
Thanx again Surfnturf i got the retrofit kit sunday and it took me a whole 10 min to change out the lights. It looks great!!
my kit was 65 watts is that ok you think.
do you think i need to get a fan will the water get to hot?
thanx again Andy


Ya i have that setup for the 6 gal. the only problem is the heat it puts off and the tank reaches about 90 in less then 5 hours. But other than that you can grown anything and everything


New Member
could someone please help!!! I just put a 65 watt pc now my water temp is climing should i get a computer fan and if I do how would I hook It up (get power to it)? Please any help?
Thanks Andy
35 gal sw
2 in cc
25lbs lr
1 yellow tang
1 panther grouper
3 damsils
10 blue leg hermit
10 turbo
eclipse 3 filter
fluval 3
1 powerhead
1 65 watt pc


You can use a computer fan and hook it up to one of those 120VAC to 12VDC power supplies. You know the ones that come with cd players, cell phones, printers, etc. Find one that is around the voltage requirement for your fan and it should do fine. Glad you like the light, sorry about the heat, but it's pretty much a fact of life. On such a small tank it might be a little easier if you raise the light fixture above the water an inch or two farther than what you have. Good luck!