Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit ANY GOOD?


Been bored all day, so I have been looking for deals, I ran across a Marineland Instant Ocean Aquarium Kit that comes with everything, I mean everything starter instant ocean salt, heater, etc.
I've read alot on here about the lighting in those tanks are not very good. I would like to have a small reef and maybe a couple fish. The wife wants a clownfish, for sure. Is that too small?
Since this will be my first SW tank, do you think I am biting off too much, trying to control water parameters in a small tank, for a beginner.
Thanks alot for any input!
Down the road I plan on getting a 92 corner!


Active Member
What size tank is it. How many Gallons. I know this kit comes in a 29 gal size. thats not a bad size to start with, it would hold a pair of clowns fine. Not sure what lights are on it though. You would have to add a powerhead for circulation and maybe better filteration.
Just be sure to research well.


Sorry I forgot to add that it was a 12G. The description on the light is 50/50 actinic compact fluorescent lamp.


Active Member
12 gal might be a little small for a first tank. I would check in the nano section to see if anyone uses this tank.


I just started in this "hobby" & the first two things I learned (before I bought my first SW tank) were PATIENCE & the bigger the tank the better.