Maroon Clown Acting Strange!


New Member
My husband came home today and my maroon clown, Emmett, was kind of wallowing in the sand. He is usually VERY friendly and comes up to the front of the tank to visit but didn't. I came home from work about 2 hours later and he was nowhere to be found. Put food in and he didn't come out of hiding. And he's normally A PIG! We took rock out until we found him. He was under a rock and lying on his side. We caught him (by hand!) and put him in a small quarantine tank we attached in the aquarium. Now he's rubbing his nose on the bottom of it over and over. All other fish seem very happy and healthy. Am SO worried. Anybody have ideas?
I posted this yesterday under the "Diseases" thread but got no responses. Maybe this is normal behavior for a Clown? He's still doing it this morning. It's like his chin and neck are itchy and he's rubbing them on the sand.


New Member
Over four months. He hasn't eaten in 3 days and is acting frantic. Swims on the bottom of the tank in circles and is constantly moving. Will lay on his side for a minute and then start his weird behavior again. It's like he's drugged.

yeffre kix

It's like his chin and neck are itchy and he's rubbing them on the sand.
Sounds like Ich to me. Parasites attach themselves to a weakened or stressed fish. The rubbing on the sand is a classic symptom. If you have a QT tank go ahead and seperate him. You can treat him with a freshwater dip which will kill the parasites in the skin and gills. Also try feeding him food soaked in garlic. (Should be able to pick it up at any decent LFS) It should help with his immune system and maybe he can recover. Sounds like he's pretty far gone though. I'm not a big fan of medications cause they are a poison to the fish as well as the parasite and cause further sickness and stress to the already infected fish.
Best of luck!


New Member
Thank you for your reply! I have him quarantined and gave him a freshwater dip this morning. Tried garlic-soaked food twice and he's not interested. Will just watch him and keep a close eye on my other fish. Am very sad. People who don't have fish don't seem to understand that we love them like a cat or a dog. Just because we can't pet them doesn't mean they are any less lovable!!