maroon clown fish


New Member
clown can anyone tell me if you can tell the --- of a maroon clown fish. I would like to get it a mate but I dont know how to tell its ---.


Originally Posted by salth2ofun
clown can anyone tell me if you can tell the --- of a maroon clown fish. I would like to get it a mate but I dont know how to tell its ---.

I'm not too sure if it works with maroons, but prolly, the female is usually the bigger one. They form a ranking system with the largest being the female and the next in line is male.


New Member
I only have 1, and am looking to get another. Would it be safe to get a smaller one, and brighter colored?


IMO, it won't matter, it will just end up that the bigger one will become the female, and the smaller one the male. Clowns are transgendered, and they are able to change their ---.
At least that is what I heard and read..... anyone else have an opinion or fact on this?


you might wanna wait until you get some other responses, because I am new at this again. But that is what I've read, and heard also.


New Member
Thanks for the help. I have asked other people and I was told at the LFS that you can only put mated pairs together? But I think I am going to take the chance and see if I can arrange a date. I have other fish in the tank, and my clown seems lonely.


Active Member
Get a smaller one and you should be fine, a larger one may fight, depending on how long you've had the current one. The color makes no difference.


all clowns start out as males. when paired, one will turn female and get larger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
all clowns start out as males. when paired, one will turn female and get larger.
All clowns do start as males . But don`t need to be paired for one to change to female . A clown that has been single for a period of time will turn into a female . It can be tricky introducing a mate for the maroon . Buy a smaller one and change the tank around before adding the new one .


All clowns start out as adolescents. The largest will become a female, and the next largest a male. Maroons will most likely kill all others outside of the pair. The recommendation for pairing is to get a second clown that is much smaller than the first, and they might eventually form a pair after some pretty intense aggression. In my first attempt to make a maroon pair, one candidate was killed. They were both the same size and added at the same time. When I added another maroon, I added a slightly bigger one (it wasn't as big as I thought) and it seems the new one has become the dominant one. My clowns were small to begin with so there was no chance of finder a smaller clown that the one I originally had. The aggression wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, as the first resident started to wiggle in fear about a week or two after adding the second one.
Clowns that live alone will probably develop into a female if alone long enough. No I don't know what that time period is. In addition, clowns will not morph from a female back into a male. It is a one way train: adolescent -> male -> female. So once a female always female. If the female dies the male will move up and change to a female. I think I read about some rare instance in which a female morphed back into a male but this is not the norm.
This should pretty much summarize what everyone else is trying to say.