maroon clown fish


hello today when i was looking at the saitwater fish to put in mine once it has cycled i wanna put there tpye of clownfish in my tank Maroon Clownfish there most preety fish i have ever seen in my life way beeter then the the usal orange and white ones and there only $35 or 2 of $60 and they where $70 each marked down due to half price sale there having this week olny


ok so i really want this fish and she sed there hlaf price all of the fish is becuase she wants to put more fish in that at that rpice they wont last long would the pet shop let me buy them kept them intill i pick them when my tank cycled

small triggers

Active Member
not only are they aggressive, but they do get BIG,,, i have a female who is about 6 inches long now that bites me when i put my hand in my tank,,, and makes me bleed, she has even bitten me THROUGH my gloves and made me bleed, lol they should be the last fish introduced other than things like triggers or wrasses...and hopefully you have atleast a 30g tank?


they are very aggressive and will chase everyone in your tank. I have a 5" tomato that spends his whole day chasing EVERYONE in my tank including much larger tangs and even my big lunar wrasse. Actually does more damage to himself from the tangs scapels. Has plenty of battle scars. The other fish don't look anyworse for the wear but do seem annoyed sometimes.


Active Member
I love Maroons and always have a pair somewhere.My female will attack ANYTHING that gets into her territory, including my hand. Before I knew better, I had a full grown female kill a new maroon while it was still floating in the lfs bag. IMO, they are more territorial than aggressive; but will often consider the entire tank to be their territory. If buying an adult, making it the last fish really helps.


They do better in a large tank because they're very territorial. If you put them in a small tank, they'll attack every fish they see, especially if you introduce them AFTER the clowns. In a large tank, they'll just attack other fish if they get close to their spot.


Like -- said they are territorial. My tomato doesn't chase my fish all the way across the tank just basically in front of his spot. Mostly just the tangs which I assume he thinks are butterflies(which are the mortal enemy of the clownfish). Since I have 3 decent size tangs it is spread out among each of them so just one fish is taking a beating.