maroon clown getting darker

yosemite sam

Active Member
I have noticed over that since I got my maroon clown back in August that it has been steadily getting darker. Is this normal? It seems to be doing well and is growing. It's really almost black now.



Active Member
i'm no expert but with the pictures iv'e seen on the net it looks like they are suppose to get a deep dark rich maroon color.

yosemite sam

Active Member
That's sort of what I figured, but I have seen some maroons twice as big as mine that are still orange. What causes them to change color? I know that at some point they change ---, could this be the reason?


Active Member
sorry I don't know. I could find out later. Also i have some questions on your maroon. I'll be back in a little bit.


Active Member
How aggressive is your clownfish?? I have heard they will bite, and are one of the most aggressive clowns out there?? Any info on your clown will be greatly appreciated. I want to decide if I will get one or not.

yosemite sam

Active Member
My maroon is really laid back. He gets a little defensive if someone comes really close to his anemones, but other than that, I think he is a great addition. I have never seen him attack a fish. He usually just swims up to them to chase them off. He is really fun to watch tend his anemones. Except at feedings, he is always in one or the other.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Lawnmower Blenny, Pair of Firefish, Gold Stripe Maroon with 2 Bubble tip Anemones, juv Vlamingii Tang, Sixline Wrasse.
There was also a Potter's Angel in the tank but he died of unknown reasons (while I was away), but while he was in there, they were fine together, and I have been told that pygmy angels can be aggressive territorial


My maroon is very dark (almost black), from what I understand they get darker as they mature.


That's too bad they get so dark...I was hoping when I got one it'd stay nice and bright.
Could it be diet related?


I have a 2, 3 strip maroons and last night I was feeding his new anemone and he bite me 5 times. They were little nips it was funny. He/she is not aggressive to other fish.


I just looked at my maroon and he is almost black, white stripes and the outside 1/8" of all his fins are bright orange. Actually the darker he gets the prettier he gets, the white on him is almost florescent.


Active Member
About how much did yall pay for your maroons??? There is one at the lfs for 29.99$ is that pretty good.


Hey all!
My LFS said that my Osilarius (?) clowns are becoming black because of good water conditions? If this is true, maybe this is why some of the maroons are darker and some are lighter? <smile>


my maroon and the chromis are good together, they buddy up and swim around to gether, no aggressive behavior at all. The maroon was in the tank first.



Originally posted by Ty_05_f
About how much did yall pay for your maroons??? There is one at the lfs for 29.99$ is that pretty good.

My store charges $49