Maroon this normal



Is it normal for them to stir up the sand into a whirlwind with their tailfin.....


LOL Try having a large marroon clown and a Large golden head goby They are determined to have all of the sand in the front of my 120 and nothing in the back. The clown flutters his tail and he also picks up the sand in his mouth and brings it to the front. He thinks he is part goby. They are making a good demolition crew.


Active Member
Ohhh yeah, that sounds familiar... My marroon likes to kill two birds with one stone (as if he's achieving something with stirring up sand to begin with..) and send the sand flying at my diamond goby... Poor guy.


Oh, he can't keep up with the goby he is 3 times bigger then him and he carries 10 times the amount of sand. And guess which 2 attack whenever I have to put my hand in the tank. Yes, that's correct my demolition crew. LOL
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Ohhh yeah, that sounds familiar... My marroon likes to kill two birds with one stone (as if he's achieving something with stirring up sand to begin with..) and send the sand flying at my diamond goby... Poor guy.


Active Member
Oh yes I have an escavator too. She does this all the time and move rock, yep she can do this too. I was moving some smalle rock in my tank the otherday and low and behold she moved that rock out of her area. Not happy that I put it there and when I use the stick to move it back she attacks the stick. Now she is so mad and I left the rock where she put it but the sand, oh my lord she now has an area about 5" x 5" in the tank where there is no sand and is glass. So yep they do this all the time.