maroon clown male or female? do u know?


Active Member
how do u know if my clown is male of female. i heard that they are all hemafidites and they will pair up and change, is that true?
heres a pic of mine is it male or female?


they are hermaphrodites with the larger of the pair changing to the the wild they are all born as males with one dominant female which keeps breeding specific to the largest couple of the group when the largest female is taken out the largest male will change to female then the cycle is repeated

bang guy

Just some cautions on Maroon Clownfish:
1 - when kept singly they morph to female very quickly.
2 - If you add two female maroon Clownfish to a small tank they will fight to the death.
3 - Female Maroon Clownfish will never become male again.


i added a larger maroon about a week ago and added a smaller one today and they got to wrestling and nippin at each other...i am worried that they wont pair or should i take them out and put them in my QT alone together until they pair???


indeed i did....and i know the two that i have came out of the same tank and the one that i just added was the smallest in the tank group and was only kept in my QT for 1 day and the large one has been in singly for less than a if the two that i have came out of the same group and the one that is the largest should/might have already changed to be the female because it was the largest in the group tank and the small has yet to change (being the smallest in the group tank).... hence me wondering if they will pair in the MT or if i should put them in the QT until it happens


Active Member
Its a chance you might win, but be prepared to seperate them if it doesn't work out. I added a much smaller one to my tank and my female was having none of it. She tore into the little guy with a vengence, ripping fins and biting. The new guy would surely have been killed if I didn't remove him. Even after taking the new one out, my female searched the tank for hrs trying to find him, and she usually stays on one side of the tank.


Originally Posted by puffer32
Its a chance you might win, but be prepared to seperate them if it doesn't work out. I added a much smaller one to my tank and my female was having none of it. She tore into the little guy with a vengence, ripping fins and biting. The new guy would surely have been killed if I didn't remove him. Even after taking the new one out, my female searched the tank for hrs trying to find him, and she usually stays on one side of the tank.
dang that is was almost like that in mine...i only have 4 fish other than the small guy and all of them were beating him up :( i felt so bad for him, even my 6 line was beating on him and he doesnt usually mess with anything...anyway i took the tank apart and took out the two clowns and the 3 stripe damsel put them in a QT and they are getting along now so we will see how long that last


I did this about 6 months ago with maroon clowns .....
I had the first one for about 6 months .... she's about 3 1/2 inches long and was very dominant .... I got a smaller one, about 1 1/2 inches long, and started him off in a small fish breeder type box that hung on the side .... this gave them a chance to get "acquainted" without her being able to get to him ..... and she was definitely NOT happy about it .... then after a couple of days I let him out .... she proceeded to chase him behind some rocks where he stayed .... he'd venture out and she'd chase him right back .... after a day or so I put him back and in the breeder box .... and I repeated the process .... today they're inseparable ...
on a side note, I did not have an anemone during this process .... I do now but I intentionally waited to get them matched before getting one ....


thats pretty cool....but i took both of the fish out of the tank and put them in the QT and they paired like that day and i left them in there together for a few days and put them back in the MT and now they are joined at the fin...haha!!!!!!