maroon clown ?'s


okay i have a 60 gal tank and i was wondering if i could put two maroon clowns in there with a coral beauty angel a fuzzy dwarf lionfish and a valentini puffer.or if i could get fals percs.
thank you


Well-Known Member
1 maroon clown, but I don't think two would be good in that tank. A mated pair of false percs would look nice, but might not host in an anemone. The maroon clowns are, as one of my LFS friends put it, "Anemone whores." They'll host a lot of different 'nem species.
Maroon Clowns as a rule should be kept as the only Clown in a tank. They get to be the largest of the Clowns 7" and will redily accept many anenomes and mushrooms as a host.!! Of the maroons i do like the Yellow banded as they r most colorful IMO


I have 2 maroons...but probably wouldn't recommend it. My female is 3x the size of the male, and it took literally months for her to accept him. During that time he pretty much hid at the top of the tank behind my overflow every day trying to go near her.
Finally she decided he was okay and now they are a pair. If I had to do it again, I don't think I'd put the little guy through all that.
The maroons are so beautiful though! My female is a a normal one, and the male is a gold stripe. They definitely love the 'nems...I have a bta that split and they host both of them.


Active Member
If you do decide to get a pair get ones that have already paired. It would be easier on the male. And you wouldn't have to go through watching the pairing process, which can look rather violent. They are one of the most aggressive clowns. I have a pair but I bought them already paired and mated. They haven't fought ever. They love their RBTA as well. HTH