Maroon Clown....Weird behavior?


I have a Large Maroon Stripe Clown, thats very protective of his anemone which I understand. What is weird to me (maybe not to others) is the fact that this fish will not even allow the sand to build up near the anemone. This anemone is attached to a rock at the bottom of the tank about 2-3 inches off the floor. He spends most of his time waging his tail fin to spread the sand completely away from that portion of the tank. This leaves a bear tank bottom. It doesn't bother me that much but wondering if anyone else has seen or experienced this with clown fish.


Yes, My tomato clown does this also.. Not sure why. I thought it was my puffer at first looking for more food. I am interested in hearing the answer


Originally Posted by tang_fame
I have a Large Maroon Stripe Clown, thats very protective of his anemone which I understand. What is weird to me (maybe not to others) is the fact that this fish will not even allow the sand to build up near the anemone. This anemone is attached to a rock at the bottom of the tank about 2-3 inches off the floor. He spends most of his time waging his tail fin to spread the sand completely away from that portion of the tank. This leaves a bear tank bottom. It doesn't bother me that much but wondering if anyone else has seen or experienced this with clown fish.

Maroons love to rearange their substrate. I've got a goldstripe in one of my tanks. Basically, when he's not eating or chasing his tankmates, he's rearranging the substrate.
It's just their natural behavior.


I also have a Maroon Clown - he loves to send the sand flying all over. He has his own cave that he made by doing this under a rock. I also noticed that sometimes after he stirred up the sand with his tail he would turn around and inspect the sand cloud - looking for buried food that might come floating up?


Active Member
As others have said, normal behavior for GSM clowns. One of the only Pro's to having a CC substrate.


Active Member
Not neccesarily. I have crushed coral and my maroon just spits it around the tank whenever he's mad. Now my royal gramma in qt is doing it too and I kinda don't want him in the tank because then I'll have two to clean up after!


Active Member
my maroon which is about 2 1/2 inches in the beginning fanned the sand whenenver he was scared and sometimes out of no where. i have had him for about a month and i have never seen him fan the sand with his tail anymore. maybe he does it at night when the lights are off and im sleeping because there is a big hole in the back of my tank with no sand. i dont know if this is true, but i have heard that they fan the sand because they have nothing to host and their making their bed.


Mine got really mad (at something) last night...and took it out on a snail. Astrea bowling seems to be the new rage in my tank these days. He lined that puppy up and sent it flying across the tank...that snail never new what hit him...but he had an express flight to a new part of town. Easy way to rack up the frequent flier miles.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Not neccesarily. I have crushed coral and my maroon just spits it around the tank whenever he's mad. Now my royal gramma in qt is doing it too and I kinda don't want him in the tank because then I'll have two to clean up after!
True, but you should see what they do to sand in comparison. If you have any low hanging powerheads the sand chews the heck out of the impellers.