Maroon Clown with white spots (help Please)


Well sad to say my first fish has a health problem. I brought him home and did the drip system four three hours and unfortunately place him into my display. I did not have a hospital tank set up. I do now, a 29g with emp400 and some water from my display.
I noticed a white spot on his lip the 2nd day I had him. He has been eating well and active. Two more day went by and I noticed a second white spot on his face. He is still eating well and seems to be happy otherwise. He seems to be swimming in front of my power heads in an attempt to itch himself. As of now he is still in the display, because I am not confident the hospital is safe yet.
I read everything I could on this site and the best guess I have would be ich. Does anyone else have an opinion to share with me? What would the best treatment be for him?


Originally Posted by breiwa1
Well sad to say my first fish has a health problem. I brought him home and did the drip system four three hours and unfortunately place him into my display. I did not have a hospital tank set up. I do now, a 29g with emp400 and some water from my display.
I noticed a white spot on his lip the 2nd day I had him. He has been eating well and active. Two more day went by and I noticed a second white spot on his face. He is still eating well and seems to be happy otherwise. He seems to be swimming in front of my power heads in an attempt to itch himself. As of now he is still in the display, because I am not confident the hospital is safe yet.
I read everything I could on this site and the best guess I have would be ich. Does anyone else have an opinion to share with me? What would the best treatment be for him?
What do the spots look like? Are they small like a grain of salt or larger and cottony looking? Do you have a picture of it? Where is the second spot on his face and how long has the first spot been on his lip?


the spot is pretty small slightly larger than a grain of salt. The spot on his lip has been there for three days now. I will be going home in 1 hour to check on him I will update then.


Originally Posted by breiwa1
the spot is pretty small slightly larger than a grain of salt. The spot on his lip has been there for three days now. I will be going home in 1 hour to check on him I will update then.
Get a good look with a magnifying glass, if you can, and let us know if they are smooth and round or clumpy looking.


He looks a little bit better today, and eat very well again. The spot on his face looks about the size of the tip of a ball point pen and does not really resemble cotton, more like a flake. I am in the process of testing the water I will post later.


Bad news. Mr. Maroon clown has passed. I was treating him with dips in formilin and he was getting better but then I overdosed him. He swam sideways for a few minutes and I thought he was getting better, lived through the night all of the next day and was dead when I came home from work thursday. I feel really bad, he was such a nice looking fish. My tank does not look the same without him :(


Originally Posted by breiwa1
Bad news. Mr. Maroon clown has passed. I was treating him with dips in formilin and he was getting better and then I overdosed him. He swam sideways for a few minutes and I thought he was getting better, lived through the night all of the next day and was dead when I came home from work thursday. I feel really bad, he was such a nice looking fish. My tank does not look the same without him :(
Ah, I am so sorry.