maroon clown?


I recently got a small clown to introduce into my tank. I have been using the methods suggested here to get my large female to except it.(hoping for a mating pair). When I got this new fish it was sold as a maroon clown which is what I have already. It looked like one as well. It has been a week and now it is redder (brighter) then my other one. It also has black along the ends of all its fins. Is this a maroon or not?


Active Member
is yours a gold-striped maroon?
they are in general darker than white-striped maroons.
and that's fine. you can still try to pair them.


My female is dark maroon with white stripes. She is not excepting the male after 5 days of slowly introducing him. He is running free in the tank now. He has learned how to hide from my net and the other clown so I guess I will let nature take its course.