Maroon Clown



My Maroon Clown keeps knocking down my rocks in front of his hole. The rocks were all set for a while then he wanted a window in his front room and knocked down 2 rocks. I put them back and he pushes them back down. Does anyone else have a clown that knocks thier rocks around?


My maroon does that also, it is funny to watchm but then he won't stop, eventually I think it's time put those rocks back up.


I have the same problem. I was told by my lfs that it's a female clown and it's trying to build a nest to eventually lay eggs. Mine as cleared out quite a bit of sand to make a flat bottom to lay her eggs and when I tried to put a new stony coral around her area she kept bull dozing it down. It's pretty frustrating but I respect what she's doing is only natural and let her have her space.


My Tomato clown is an immaculate housekeeper. He blows anything that is near him or the BTA away, even fine grains of sand that drift down get wiggled and fanned out of teh way. I have put kelp nearby and he pushes it away, he even tries to move the snails away ,but they are pretty well anchored. Funny critters to watch indeed~


So this normal I'll just try to find another place to set the rock it's just a small one but now I find it funny so I keep putting the rock back to tee him(her?) off. The longest it lasted is about 3 hours.