I'm sorry. I wasn't referring to all LFS owners but there are some out there that can mis-inform the consumer about the compatibilty, tank size requirement, etc ... Just my thought on this matter.
I'll give you one example of a local fish store owner misinforming the consumer. One day I asked about what one other fish I can add to a future 38 G tank. I told him I was planning to stock a O. Clownfish, Coral Beauty Angelfish, and a Yellowtail Damselfish. He told me a Yellow Tang will be a nice addition. I had already knew the compatibilty of fishes and minimum tank requirement of species of fishes. I knew the damsel isn't a good addition and I definitely knew the Yellow Tang is not recommened in a small tank. Yellow Tangs need at least 55 gallons or larger otherwise they will stress and die in small tanks. He never even told me not to add the damsel in it; even though they do get very territorial as they older.
I'm not looking to start a 38 G tank at all but was at the time going 4 months ago before I did more reading and researching on setting up a Marine Aquarium.