Maroon Clownfish problem... HELP ASAP


New Member
I have 2 maroon clowns in a 55 gallon tank. I have a lot of rock (more than 80-90 lbs) 80 lbs of sand. The tank is cycled and has been running with no ammonia, nitrite, and low nitrates for a few weeks. I have had 3 green chromis fish in there since it started cycling. I recently (about a week ago) added an orange diamond gobie, and a mate pair of maroon clownfish. The clowns were in the same tank at the lfs. This spot they were in was very small (1' x 1' x 2'). They were housed with some inverts and an anemone. I brought them home with the gobie and added them to my tank. Within a week 2 of my chromis fish were dead. The other chromis is still in the tank alive and seems to be doing well. The one chromis that died seemed to have some brown or black spots on him it looked as though maybe he had been bullied or picked at, the other chromis had no signs of any attacks. He was just laying on the substrate and seemed very close to death. The gobie seems to be doing fine. My big issue is the 2 clowns they are not acting right at all. At first I thought the clowns had ick because I thought I saw a small spot on the male and possibly some hair or discoloration. I started treatment for ick with a product from the lfs that is copper free and safe for reef tanks and inverts. I have given the tank 2 treatments so far and nothing seems to be changing. The male will lay on the substrate for a brief time then get up and swim around like normal or sometimes he even swims weird. With his head pointed up towards the top of the tank and swims like a pencil bobbing in the water. His tail also looks a little tore up almost like strands of hair. This lead me to believe that the female maroon clownfish was bullying him... but they were a mated pair and at the pet store they were in the same very small tank together for weeks and doing great. The female (larger clown) doesn't seem to be acting normal either. She is very reclusive. Sometimes she will sit at the top of the tank in the back corner and just stay there. I am still treating the tank for ick even though I am not totally convinced that is what the problem is. I have been keeping an eye on the water quality and ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 and nitrates are less than 20 and usually around 10. I change water if they get to 20. I do not have an anemone but I would get one if that would solve this problem. I didnt want to get one if there was a parasite or bacterial problem in the tank though. Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lets see. The med your using isnt going to help. There are no reef safe ich meds. However it doesnt sound like ich any way. It sounds like aggression w the chromis, maroons are nasty. Even a mated pair are no guarantee. What is your salinty? How do u mix your salt for water changes? I have a single maroon and he doesnt bother anything but I have in w aggressive fish. An anemone would only increase aggression if thats the issue


New Member
My salinity is 1.024 and when I do water changes I mix the salt and RO water in 5 gallon bucket and add it slowly to my sump (Bio ball sump w a protein skimmer). The medicine I am using is Kordon Ich Attack. So you are guessing the other clown (larger female maroon clownfish) is bullying on the other half of the "mated pair"?


New Member
Also assuming that I do have to get rid of one of these clowns then would my gobie be ok in there? He sticks to the bottom and sifts sand. It is just so strange because the one remaining chromis fish seems unaffected by this. From my understanding green chromis fish are supposed to be so peaceful and kind of wimps. But when I do add another fish what would be strong enough to stand up to the maroon clownfish? I want a reef safe fish that can also be around inverts. I have a 55 gallon.


Well-Known Member
If its aggression youll see it if u watch them. Do u areate your water b4 u add it to the sump. You want to equalize the o2 and co2 in it before you add it. Chromis are peacful w other fish, w each other then can be aggressive tho. Your goby will be fine. You could try a dwarf angel, yellow tail damsel,6line wrasse. W my maroon I have a yellow tail,2 scooter blennys, spotted mandarin,and a sun rise dotty back. But the dotty back is not shrimp safe!


New Member
Thanks a bunch for the help. I really like the flame angel so maybe I will try that and hope he will be reef safe if I add something. Is there any chance if it is aggression that it will pass or will it only be done when the more paasive or weAkers fish is dead or gone?


Well-Known Member
Two quick questions:

1- Did you quarantine any of these fish before you put them in your tank?

2- Did you acclimate these fish? If so, how?


Well-Known Member
+1 to silver
If its aggression w a maroon yes it usually wont end until something is gone or dead


New Member
I figured that it was most likely aggression. For some unknown reason the female in this "mated pair" decided she did not like the male anymore and was chewing the heck out of his tail. It was pretty bad looking this morning and he was just laying on the substrate. He would get up and swim around periodically but not much. The female maroon looks good and I am very surprised that to this point she has left my one remaining green chromis alone. Actually the chromis and the spotted gobie are the only ones I see now... the female maroon clown seems to be hiding most of the time. When I first got the clown pair they did not hide much and now she is always hiding somewhere. The male is no longer in the tank. Being they were a mated pair I was almost wondering if the chromis would have been bullying him but from what I have read about green chromis that would be highly unlikely or impossible. Same with the spotted gobie.


New Member
Silver yes I acclimated them... I do not have a drip acclimation system so I put the bag in the water and let the temp adjust then slowly added aquarium water. I mean very slowly. The whole process took roughly 2 hours. I do not have the means to quarantine fish at this time so I did not do that, however, when I added the clowns and the gobie all I had in the tank was three green chromis fish and two of those have died, I am assuming as a result of the female maroon bullying them.


Well-Known Member
Your procedure for acclimation should be fine under the circumstances. However I'm worried that your clowns may have brought something into your tank due to not having a quarantine tank. You can set one up for around $50 and could save you hundreds of dollars in the long run. Not to mention the fish loss. I understand that you figured maybe, just maybe, they will be OK but can you imagine stocking your tank with beautiful fish just to add one more and have it wipe out your whole tank?


New Member
Yeah I hear you the there. So to set up a qt what exactly would I need minimum? I understand why you think they could have brought something bad into my tank but I will tell myself the female turned on the male due to a new enviroment. I really wanted the mated pair to work.