maroon clownfish


All righty..
I'm currently looking at an 85 gallon tank that I might decide to buy. Only $30. Anyway, I've always wanted a pair of maroon clownfish? Are there more than one type, or are they the same as gold-striped maroon? Okay, I've heard they're the most agressive of the clowns, so what would be some suitable tankmates? I was hoping to get a pair of Mandarin Gobies (if possible) and a pair of Rock Blennies. If the clownfish were in a pair, would they mess with them, or are they better singly? Also, I know it's kind of hard to take care of Mandarins. Just wanted to know about the clowns. Also, any suggestions on anything else I could put in the tank? Thanks!


There are maroon clowns and gold striped maroons. They are the most agressive clowns and get pretty big.


Okay, so it sounds like I can have the clowns. But no wrasse with a Mandarin? :( Well, there goes the wrasse. Thanks for the help!