maroon clowns


Originally Posted by watson_ab
do they go along with other clown fish????
:cheer: NO :cheer:
haha I had an emergency and had to throw 2 percs in with my maroon and he wanted no part of it. He chased them everywhere, and even seperated them in dif. corners on the tank


As a matter of fact i had to trade in my two FAT percs in because my maroon was picking on them. Needless to say the LFS liked my percs since they were paired and huge.
I got a royal gramma and two emerald crabs for the two percs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson_ab
do they go along with other clown fish????
Mine didn't even get along with another maroon, guess she didn't want to make a commitment


New Member
mean mean fish

i made the mistake putting one with my two pers clowns and the maroon is super teritoal some times wount let them eat, i am setting up a second tank just to get them seaprated


i guess mine are big chickens cuz they run from the other fish in my tank....1 flame angel, blue regal, leopard goby and a 6 line wrasse....the two of them just run up the corner of the tank and wait for the other fish to get out of their little area but they will attackthe magnafloat when i clean the


I have 2 white stripe maroons, they don't hang out but they don't chase each other either. I was inexperienced when I got them...I wanted gold stripe maroons and didn't know there was a difference.