Maroon Clowns


The only luck I've had with mated pairs, was to get them from the LFS. I have a pair in my 55 and one in my 210. The LFS just sees who will pair up when he gets a shipment of maroon clowns in, and will then offer those as a pair. I had one of my pair lose the female (just died one day, looked fine one day, dead the next), and I took my male to the LFS, where he paired up quickly with a new female that had arrived, the little slut! ;)
Thanks Maury, Any body else try this , The LFS around here don'tt get to many maroons for some reason and would have to order me a pair usually wild caught for about $120. I'm thinking for $20 a peice for Juvies on this sight its a lot cheaper and I have read that they should pair up if they have not changed sexes yet.


Paid $50 for both pairs, and 30 for the female that was replaced. For some reason my LFS orders PRIMARILY maroon clows, with the occasional perc and flase perc. Rarely a tomato or skunk.