maroon clowns


Active Member
Hey guys i would like to buy a pair of maroon clowns and i would like to know from u are they good fish to have and also have u had any luck with them goin into anenomes


Maroon clowns are some of the hardiest of clowns, but also the most aggressive. I have never gotten my hands on a pair of maroons, but I was delighted with the gold stripe maroon I had in my tank. Didn't cause any trouble for me, great fish in my opinion.
If you can get a true mated pair, do it, because it is extremely difficult to try to add a second maroon to an established tank with one in it. Also try to find tank raised maroons, they tend to acclimated better and more accepting of flake foods, etc. You might end up paying more for a mated pair, depends on your deal. I have heard that maroons will host in leather corals and bubble tip anemones, (check me people, I do not know for sure). My clown had a ball just hanging out in my LR, I had no corals to host. Lastly, a pair can be more aggressive when they are laying eggs and will defend their territory well, so keep a watchful eye out for nipped fins.
Good choice though, one of my favorites! Good luck.


Active Member
We ended up having to remove our adult female maroon from our tank because of her agressiveness towards other fish... she even bit my husband twice while he was putting new live rock in the tank!
We also had a problem with her hosting in our green bubble coral... she rubbed on it so much that it stayed closed up most of the time.
Just my experience...


I've had mine for 1 1/2 years and he isn't aggressive at all. In fact, at one point, someone was picking on him. He had fins that had been nipped off. Never found out who did it and it appears to have stopped. I would use caution getting a pair of marroon clowns.


I've had my white stripped maroon for roughly 2 that time its done well....I had a Bubble Tip anemone for it, which it readily hosted, but the maroon was too big for the anemone and the anemone was overwhelmed, stopped eating and died.
I just purchased a new bubble tip twice the size of the old one, and although its only been 2 days the anemone is eating great and the maroon is perfect size, it doesn't seem to mollest the anemone as badly if the anemone is significantly larger than the maroon.
Its a great fish...although I wish I could get a mated pair, its very difficult to do so unless they are wild caught...
good luck

aloka de silva

New Member
I bought a white strip one and a gold strip maroon about 2 weeks ago.
they were killing each other , went through a fresh water bath to get the slime out of there skin. still didnt have that much luck about there bickering. then I bought a rock with 3 bubble tips on it. they were going after each other about a day or so now they are best pals and all bubble tips are a good home for my maroons and my damsels


Active Member
i just got a maroon clown for my 29 gal to go with a domino damsel. from the second i put the maroon in the tank, the two fish have been swimming around like best friends. my husband even said he saw our domino do that little mating shake that clowns do *LOL*


So if I were to order two maroons, would they be compatible or would they fight?
Or would it just be luck?