Maroon Gold-Stripe Clown.I want add 2 Ocellaris Clowns


I'm running a 125g reef and so far I have a Naso Tang,a Lunar Wrasse,a Pink-spot Goby and a Maroon Gold-Stripe Clown.I want add 2 Ocellaris Clowns, all my current fish are close to 4 inches.Would all my clowns get along?My Maroon Gold-Stripe Clown is the largest fish in the tank at about 4inches.I want the Ocellaris's to be about a inch long.Would he pick on them or be protective of them. :notsure:


I would assume he would become pretty territorial. but I have seen success stories with more than one type of clown fish. I have no experience with more than one however, so maybe someone else can give you more accurate advice.

bang guy

Every fish has it's own personality. I would guess that the Maroon would kill at least one, if not both, of the Ocellaris.


O.K. that sounds like a no go then.What other types of fish would you guys recommend with my current livestock scenerio?


I loved my flame hawkfish. I know they dont always do so well with smaller shrimp. I didn't have a problem with him eating my GSP or shrooms, but wouldn't hurt to double check its compadibility with your tank mates. But it was my faveorite fish. It's really up to you though. When I want a new fish I usualy read up on a lot of fish's personality. Find a fish that is appealing to you.