maroon & percula


New Member
I currently have a 12g nano cube set up at my office. the stock list is:
1 wild caught percula about an inch
1 yellow clown goby
and please don't flame it's only temporary
1 yellow striped maroon also about an inch
the maroon has been in the tank for over an hour and they seem fine. the perc beat up on the maroon a lil when I first put it in but I fed them and they've been ok since. anyone ever done this successfully? they're currently swimmin around together all buddy buddy. I guess only time will tell...


u might be able to do it successfully if you had a big enough tank... but ur tank was probably fully stocked even before you had the GSM in there


Originally Posted by nickp123
they're still doin ok but I'm just gonna take the gsm home and put it in my 55
sounds like a plan! what do u have in the 55?


Keep us informed, I have been interested in adding a gold stripe Maroon but I have two percs and was concerned of fighting and death.


New Member
I put it in my 55g. that tank only has an adult lemonpeel & an adult diamond spotted goby. The goby went right after the gsm so I pulled him out and put him in my 20g until he gets bigger and can fend for himself. the gsm is swimmin around happily in the 20g