Maroon rubbing my hand


i was cleaning my tank today and noticed my maroon wasnt scared from my hands anymore, so i decided to go near it to see what it would do. to my surprise, it turned around and was backing into my hand. it then started to rub its tail fin on my finger. it did this everytime i approached it. does anyone know what its doing?


New Member
My Perculas are as sweet as can be and are not the least bit scared of my hand. The larger on will swim through my fingers and try to nibble on my hand.:)
Marks Girl


Mine is a year and a half old and he just started rubbing against me a little today too. After a year and a half he finally decided he likes me I guess. Funny stuff huh??


my perc used to just hide when i would put my hand in my tank now he kind of swims around it aggressively but he still wont let me touch him:happyfish