
jimmy g

I Have two maroons in my tank now and I just added the second one. The bigger one if pretty much beating the smaller one to death, Its fins are fried and it has wounds on its side. What should I do........


Active Member
maroons are the hardest clowns you can pair up. we tried it with our maroon and gsm. the gsm almost got killed within hours. you can eaither let it go and hope for the best or take the new one out. i have heard of some success with putting the new one in a small container in the tank.....let me see if i can find that thread

jimmy g

Thank you so much wablondie....I put the clown in the container and im going to try that....
Thanks again

jimmy g

ok....well I just got the little guy into the container, Now what?
Snailheave.....Your bonding idea is really helping people out here....Thanks!


Active Member
you're welcome. though it's not an original idea. i just attached pictures so people can do a step-by-step themselves.
okay now that the little guy is in the container. observe the interaction between the big fish and the small fish.

jimmy g

Last night they wouldnt leave eachothers side, the big one just swam right next to him all night long?


Active Member
more detailed observation and description. describe the interaction. swimming near is not necessarily a display of friendliness.