Maryland Blue Crab In Captin Bob's


I was in a restauraunt in OC MD called Captain Bob's. They have a few saltwater Blue Crabs in a freshwater tank. Anyone ever heard of doing this? This is not a lobster type tank. This is an aquarium.
Would it survive long in a tank like this or do you think they eat it daily for diner?


They most likely replace the crabs daily (or weekly, not sure) But I doubt they live in the freshwater tank for a long time.
They are probably able to get away with this because crabs can survive in freshwater for short periods of time? I know some species can handle being on land as well as water I just don't know about freshwater long term, I doubt they would survive a long time in freshwater.


New Member
Blue crabs can survive in fresh water for a long time, maybe indefinately.
I live in Florida and I can tell you for sure that blue crabs are caught well up into the St. Johns River (which is fresh) And yes these are the same kind of blue crab.


I went to a museum in the same town while I was on vacation where they had a similar setup. I talked to the person running it. He told me it was a saltwater setup. The fish were what they called minnows. They didn't use crushed coral or sand. They used fresh water looking rock. They also had some baby jelly fish( Looked like to me) which I found interesting.
They had an underground filter. It was the fresh water rock, minnows and lack of protein skimmer that made me think it was fresh water.