We have a 20gal long that has only a cuc, corals, one yellow chromis and a clown. My husband purchased a pink bubble tip anemone that already had a clown hosted to it for $28. After acclimation and three days of wondering if the clown would go back to its anemone, the clown is back to hosting... i love it!
We would love to add one more clown but wonder what the likely hood is of it paring up with ours if we purchase it much larger or smaller.. could they breed in our tank? what would be the ideal set-up, can they share an anemone, exc. I have been reading some threads here already
picture of ours
We would love to add one more clown but wonder what the likely hood is of it paring up with ours if we purchase it much larger or smaller.. could they breed in our tank? what would be the ideal set-up, can they share an anemone, exc. I have been reading some threads here already
picture of ours