Mated Maroons arrived


Active Member
4 months a go I ordered a mated pair of maroon gold banded clowns.
I have a few questions and need some help before I run an pick them up. This is my first big purchase for my tank. I am sure you can understand my nervousness.

1) Do I need to QT them since there is nothing else in my tank but 1 little chromis( used to be 5 but he killed the others) I have a bad A%$ in the tank. :mad:
2) I am planning on doing a 2 hour drip acclimation should this be sufficient. I want to set these guys up for a successful transition.
3) I am planning on adding at BTA since this is what they like to host. Do you think I should add one now or wait?
Any suggestions for a newbee to ensure success....
Additional info:
215 Gal
Tested the water on 02/14 and here are the results:
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Amonia 0
cal 485
SG 1.024
Temp 80
ph 8.2

Tank has been running since mid dec and the 280lbs of LR was from an establisehd tank of 8 years. My water always tests perfect.


Active Member
Welcome to the GSM club.

Everything looks great, your plan should work flawlessly. Are the fish coming to you after a long trip, or are you just picking them up from a LFS in your area?


Active Member
Hi Mr Bill,
I am hoping the plan works out fine for the little guys.... I am sure they are ready to relax and settle in....
I am picking them up from my LFS. I am not sure how they arrived but I am sure it was not an easy journey for them.


Active Member
dont belive though there mated like other ppl say they can of breed before but may never do it again u need PERFECT water parameters im so close to having them i just need to bring my feeding down. good luck with them can u post a pic when u get em?


Active Member
Hey Clown,
Thanks for the information. I will post a picture when I can get them to pose. I would like them to mate but if not then that is ok to. They are just beautiful fish to watch. Expecially when they host.
Which type of anemone do you have for them?


Active Member
BUBBLE TIP! mine love em thats like the best anenome for maroons i have gold sttipes u have the same?


Active Member
Yes I will have the gold stripe after work today. I do not have a an anemone yet. That is why I am asking :thinking:


Active Member
Not difficult to see if they are a pair...
If they aren't ripping each other to shreds then they are pair. If they are not a pair they soon will be after one beats the other in manhood.

Also, I'm glad to hear your not just interested in these fish for breeding. They are my favorite SW fish, and shouldn't be sought after for just breeding purposes.
Besides, having a breeding pair is not always a good thing. Oh joy a sudden un-expected bio load for my nitrogen cycle to deal with. Mine lay eggs inside a cave in the middle of my tank next to their anemone and I could never get the eggs without moving some big foundation rocks.


Active Member
Mr Bill,
I spoke with my LFS, and they have the pair in their own tank with their BTA. He says they are real happy and just loving on their BTA.
I wanted them because they look great in a tank. If they make it happen well that is a bonus if not no biggie....
These guys are tank raised. Would prefer the wild caught but really should get tank raised.
I will keep you posted. ***)


just a quick question for you, if your LFS knew you were picking the fish up today why did they acclimate the clowns into their own tank? Thats strange if you ask me, they should have kept them in the bags, it is just going to cause more stress on the clowns being caught, bagged, transported, and acclimated again


Active Member
devilboy good point-
I have a golden stripe maroon he will host anything(BTA, condy, frogspawn, hammer coral). they can be VERY agressive as they get older. I too have a big tank and he can be a real problem introducing new fish. It doesnt matter if I move rock around or not! Just something to keep in mind.Ours is at least 5 yrs old that we know of(he was given to us)Good luck


Active Member
Hey Misfit and Devil.
Good question on acclimation. I work with one person at my LFS and I have a good trust with him and pretty much all the people that I have come in contact with. This place has a great reputation and the owner is all about honesty and integrity(which is hard to find) when it comes to selling livestock. Their focus is on a happy customer, since a happy one is a person that comes back to spends more and more
. Now with that being said, my pair were transported to the store and the guy that I work with took the bag and opened and put them in this larger tank where they keep adding tank water, now this is not drip by any means but it is a slow introduction. After that they get a freshwater dip and off they go the their tank.
Now do not quote me but this is what I was told. Now I have been there during the process and introduction and this is how it is done. I know what you mean by stressing the fish out but I prefer to let them stay at the LFS for a few days to see how they look and see if they are sick or ill in any way. These guys are healthy swimming around and their fins look great.
Hummmm I have been told they are pretty aggressive as they age and get used to "their" tank. I am planning on stocking my tank over the next several months, so they are in pretty much the same time. Plus I have lots of caves and tunnels for them to run and hide in also. I do want to add others to the tank and not just have these 2 guys.
Have any suggestions for the new guy? :thinking:



Active Member
Well I am doing my scheduled water change tonight and picking them up on Sat.

:joy: :happyfish


oh mannnnnn! well as soon as u get em post a thread on he clownfish and anenome threads so i can see them.
:cheer: :happyfish :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Will do.

I should have posed this one in the Clown board.

every looks good to me. i love our mated pair. we keep them in our 140 hosting in a huge neon carpet
in your first post you said first BIG purchase. hope you did not pay to much for a "pair"