Mated Maroons arrived


Active Member
Thanks for taking a look and giving a green light. This is the best part about this site, lots of people get to see and make comments and point out problems, mistakes and also the good things.
How long have you had your mated pair? Any pros & cons you want to share?
This is my first big purchase.... I am getting the pair & a large long tenticle anemone for $120.
These guys are wild caught and not tank raised. Originally I was told they were tank raised but they are wild.
I did some checking and the price seems about right.



good news my pair is probably gonna lay soon there both making the nest and cleaning the shell! :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown1234
good news my pair is probably gonna lay soon there both making the nest and cleaning the shell! :jumping: :cheer:

cool but dont get to excited. nesting can take place up to a year or more before anything happenes. if at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Thanks for taking a look and giving a green light. This is the best part about this site, lots of people get to see and make comments and point out problems, mistakes and also the good things.
How long have you had your mated pair? Any pros & cons you want to share?
This is my first big purchase.... I am getting the pair & a large long tenticle anemone for $120.
These guys are wild caught and not tank raised. Originally I was told they were tank raised but they are wild.
I did some checking and the price seems about right.

well if you want them for breeding then its important as said before to have a VERY stable tank. they shoul have no other very active fish. to much action will halt or stop any chance of breeding. if you do ever see them nesting try taking a small piece of a clay pot and put it in the area they are clearing off. this way there is a good chance they will lay the eggs on this REMOVABLE piece.
It really just just a waiting game and depening on the tank mates it can be a very LONG wait. then if they ever spawn raising the fry is a whole new hobby all on its own.
keep in mind that IMO there is a big difference between a PAIR and a MATED PAIR. as far as i'm concerned they are not proven mated until you see then spawn.
if you are serious about trying to really breed them you need to get the book by joyce wilkeson called Clownfishes.


oceana can u go to my post o clownfish and anenomes and tell me if there breeding i have the book ut i want to now for sure thanks.


Active Member
Hi Oceana,
I am not really wanting them for mating but if they do, thien it is a good thing. Thanks for the information.


New Member
Hi clown
im a newbie and am cycling my tank right now. 60 gal, CC, 10 lb live rock, protein skimmer, carbon filter and looking forward to adding fish. At what point can I add anenome if at all so my future marroon clown can be happy???


Active Member
In response to your question about adding other fish...
Yes, I started just the same way you are now with a pair of goldstripe maroon clowns. The trick to adding the new fish is to wait until they have an established territory and then only add new fish when the lights are off in your tank. The new comer will shoot down and hide in some rockwork and the clowns usually won't even see their arrival until the next morning.


Active Member
Mr Bill,
Thanks so much for the information. It is appreciated.
Well I went and picked them up and here they are.



wow, those are great. Where did you get them from? I know you said your LFS but do you know their supplier? I am looking for a pair at some point here too. How much did you pay?


Active Member
Hey NY, Thanks.
I am not sure of their supplier.
I paid 80 for the pair and another 40 for their host.


dam thats a good deal. my LFS isnt being very helpful in finding me a pair. i would order online but anywhere besides SWF charges up the butt for shipping.


Active Member
I was on the list for 4 months before I managed to get my pair. I spend a few bucks with the store so that might be why they gave me a good deal? :thinking:
Mine and another pair arrived the same day. The guy at the store said that he has never seen 2 pair in the store at one time and he has been there for 8 years. I guess that tells you something.


yeah i guess so.
Im gonna make a journey sometime this week to another fish store about an hour and a half from me. I have gotten recommendations from a few people for this one store so im hoping they can help me out.


Active Member
Sounds like a good idea if you really want a pair of these guys..... I have heard a lot of bad and good.... ***)
Good luck... let me know when you get your pair and I will need to see those pics.


well, its down the road a little bit still. probably sometime in the summer. Im still working on my stand and my fuge. Ill probably post a thread with pics when i get them though.