Mated Percula Clowns!?!


I am taking several fish out of my tank due to several different reasons and i have a pair of mated percula clowns on hold at the LFS...what i am wondering, is what other type of fish can i keep in my tank in which is compatible with and peaceful towards my clowns?
I have a 26 gal tank and i know its small but i have a 26 gal sump/fuge setup to it so i know that i can keep maybe 1 or 2 more fish, i just need ones that are ok with clowns and corals! *I am not a big fan on gobies and blennies*


that's too bad you don't like gobies and're really cutting down your options for fish a tank that size by ruling those out......
I would suggest a royal gramma which is a nice looking fish......bangaii cardinals are nice looking but not too exciting as they tend to sit still could probably do a sixline wrasse which is a great looking fish that is highly active and will be interesting to watch....
In my 28 gallon which i keep 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 firefish aka fire goby, 1 royal gramma, and 1 very tiny rainsford goby....


I would say, maybe Blue Chromis, only peaceful Damsels I've heard of... Other than that, yellow tang, a reef safe star, then a lawnmower blenny would be great in there, but you said no...


Active Member
i wouldn't put a yellow tang in your 26 it seems a little small
try a canary/yellow wrasse if you want something yellow,
Blue Green Chromis (3)
Thats all i would do i've heard that the for the blue green chromis if you get 3 its like having 1 in. of fish

reef diver

Active Member
Whatr are you smokin pat! A Yellow Tang in a 26G LMAO ROTFL!!! Well you really limit yourself there, with no gobies. Id just say the clown pair with an anemone, some inverts (shrimp, crabs), and corals. I would also say a firefish, they rock!!!


Active Member
Definately a Firefish! I have one with my two Clarkii Clowns, my larger Clarkii prefers the Firefish over his supposed-to-be mate! Check out both kinds of the Firefish, the purple one is a real eye-catcher!


I haven't had good experiences with Clowns once they are mated. Mine have always gotten really aggressive against the other fish in the tank. My suggestion would be to get something that they cant bully around, but in a 26 gallon you might be best off just keeping the clowns and maybe adding more inverts instead of fish?!?!?