I am taking several fish out of my tank due to several different reasons and i have a pair of mated percula clowns on hold at the LFS...what i am wondering, is what other type of fish can i keep in my tank in which is compatible with and peaceful towards my clowns?
I have a 26 gal tank and i know its small but i have a 26 gal sump/fuge setup to it so i know that i can keep maybe 1 or 2 more fish, i just need ones that are ok with clowns and corals! *I am not a big fan on gobies and blennies*
I have a 26 gal tank and i know its small but i have a 26 gal sump/fuge setup to it so i know that i can keep maybe 1 or 2 more fish, i just need ones that are ok with clowns and corals! *I am not a big fan on gobies and blennies*