mating clownfish? is it difficult to do?

can anyone please tell me what they know about pairing and mating clownfish? I have 2 tomato clowns thst I would like to get "hooked-up".


well the first step is making sure you've gat a mated pair of fish.. .. if they don't fight with each other and swim together a lot .. it's a pretty good bet that you've got a pair.. sometimes they can fool you though.. i've had maroons swim together while i'm pairing them up and do this for hours leave and the next day one will be dead or pretty beaten up.. luckily tomatoes are much more docile then marooons.. anyway. once you're pretty certain you've got a good pair.. put them in a 20 gal or so.. tank with a flower pot.. ceramic... and pretty much nothing else.. keep them happy and feed them a ton .. the more you feed the better they will reproduce.. pregnant fishies like to eat too.. a good mating pair can lay an egg clutch about everyother week and it's always pretty systematic.. if you see em. lay at 8am. on saturday .. expect that that's the same time they will lay next .. that's been my experience though don't know if it's always true.. anyway..once you notice their egg clutch in the pot,which is a pretty easy validation.. wait until you notice the eggs turning transparent.. i believe most clowns only take about ten days to hatch.. then take the pot out and put it in a baron tank ..we just use an aerated five gallon tank.. and do regular water changes.. if done right you should get babies.. it doesn't always work right away though so don't get discouraged.. good luck..

sinner's girl

a while back someone posted a good link that said how he did it. I saved the info, but now I can't find it. You may want to try to search the site. That way you can have more then one opinion/way.

sinner's girl

I found the link, i was looking for something else, didnt' find what i was looking but saw the link and remembered someone was asking about breeding clowns.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

rabid frog

Active Member
wow great article... I want to breed australian clowns.. If I have success you are more than welcome to one or two sinner's girl :D