Maxed Clowns


New Member
One of my tanks is a Red Sea Max (34gals). I only have clowns, anemones, and few corals in it. All of the clowns get along very well. I have a few of them that have paired up and still playing well with others. Fish include:
4 true perc's (1 normal pair and 1 normal / picasso)
2 GS Maroons (female is wild / male is tank bred)
2 teardrop / misbar occellaris
2 black & white occellaris
2 black saddle's
1 clarkii
1 bicintus



Active Member
You have 14 clowns in a little 34 gal tank ? Are you trying to kill them ? First of all you have way, way too many fish in that tank . Second mixing clowns is a big no no as they will fight to death , especially with a bunch of different species .If the water conditions don`t kill the fish , they will kill each other .Plus all the anemones you have in there . You are basically prepared a deadly war in your tank . I`m sorry but what idiot told you it is safe to do what you have done ? This is just cruel to the fish and wish animal control did something for fish , cause I`d be calling them .


New Member
So much negativity.....typical of most lists.
If everthing I have done is so wrong. Why is everyone doing so well? No deaths and no fighting. The tank has been up and running for about a year. I do a water change every week and I added additional filtration and an UVS.
Everyone's an expert..............


sry timl but i wouldnt even risk it after hearing about everyelses and RESEARCHING
but i agree with dawman, i had a false perc and maroon perc in a 30 gallon. not good so i gave my maroon back ugh i loved him tho =]
I completely agree with dawman.. You dont have to be an expert to figure out what he said.. especially that you are way overstocked, let alone the different species.
Goood luck. You'll need it


Originally Posted by Dawman
I completely agree with dawman.. You dont have to be an expert to figure out what he said.. especially that you are way overstocked, let alone the different species.
Goood luck. You'll need it

Bingo... Best of luck mate; some of those fish should have more than 35 gallons alone; let alone with 13 other fish in the same tank.


Active Member
ARMEGEDDON IS COMING !! You have no idea what's in store for your tank. Maroons will kill all in your tank - besides it's not wise to mix clownfish species; let alone in a 34 gallon tank. Then again - I'm suspecting a troll thread here. A full tank pic with all your "supposed" clowns in it please.


Active Member
Uneducated aquariast right there. Just because they are living doesnt mean they are happy. You can put 14 people to live, sleep, and eat and never get out, all with different attitudes in a single small room and eventually you will have trouble. 14 clowns in a 34 gallon, way to go genius.


Active Member
i guess its kinda like people with lots of angels, pack em so tight none have a chance to establish territory. maybe? i dunno


Active Member
they must be 14 really small clown fish in there the rocks look HUGE! i have 6 fish in my 55g. maroon,eibliangel, hawaiian blue spotted puff, starry blenny, fairy wrasse and a mandarin and i think im pushing it lol


Active Member
i have 4 and i thought i wqas pushing it, i have ONE clown 2 chromis, and a lmb
i couldnt imagin putting all those clowns hrough that, thats just mean


They look young so I assume they grew up used to each other.
You guys know that if a dog and cat grows up together they can co-exist just like these young clowns.


Active Member
Not really , they will still have natural instinct when older . Besides mixing species he has way too many fish in that small tank .


Active Member
Mixed species co-exists like dogs and cats ?!? In the ocean - yes. In a small tank ? A definite NO. He shall see for himself when his Maroon clowns go in for the kills.


Active Member
cant we be nice to one another? 14 clowns in a 34 is a bit much. but if they all get along, so be it. but i'd advice if at anytime, the maroon gets aggressive, trade in the rest of the clowns. and just a side note: what is the difference between him having too many clowns and one having too many corals in their tank? i hv seen many peoples reeftank on this site that r way too overcrowded. in nature, a lot of corals hv about 5-8 inches between them. my point is corals get stress just lke fish. yet people mixed corals together anyway, like a brain coral next to galaxea or zoas.


Active Member
[QUOTE what is the difference between him having too many clowns and one having too many corals in their tank.
Are you seriously asking this question. Come on seriously. When it comes to coral touching, we can frag back and therefor not have any significant issues. FISH FIGHT and KILL each other. Unless you suppose he frags off the part of the fish that is killing the other fish. Be realistic guy. And most importantly, we can rearrange in a tank coral so that we have little issues. Putting 14 fish all clowns no less in a 34 gallon is not only irresponsible, it also shows little care about the life span of the fish.