Maxi-Jet or Mini-Jet


I have a 20g tank I am cycling...I currently just have a bio-wheel, which would be better a maxi-jet or a mini jet? I plan on have corals, fish and a clam if possible...


Unless the larger size really bothers you, I would go with the maxi-jet. I have a 900 in one corner and a 600 in the other corner. I might even goto both 900's.


I want to keep want to have a variety of corals...and a clam or two....I have read that you can put the more light demanding corals closer to the lights to lower the watts actually needed...So, I would like something a little less costly then mh but if I had to have them for the clams I would probably skip the clams...I think....Oh and the tank is 24' I think....I don't have a ruler...


I think if you want clams then you definitely need the halides. If you skip the clams, something like 2 or 3 55W compact fluorescents would do nicely. I have 2x55watt over my 20 now, but I only have 1 leather so I don't know how well some the other corals would do. It does put you at over 5watts per gallon and they look real bright but don't raise the temp much at all.