Maxima and Crocea Clams 4-sale!!!


Active Member
These clams (maximas) come from breeding, right here in Colorado. I have NEVER seen a parasite or pathogen problem with any of these clams. Some of them have started to develope this neon-green rim around the mantle on the maximas. I do not know if it will stay though.
The Maximas are $42.00 US and the Croceas are $40.00 US. Shipping is usually about $30.00-$35.00 US for one to two clams (sometimes three) depending on what area of the US you live in.
If you have any questions, email me at cfrecf @ yahoo . com, without all the spaces. Or you can just PM me as well.
Some of the clams are "upset" because they have cerith snails crawling on them. I won't sell them or ship them if they are showing and signs of stress (Example: if they are gapeing). The alga patches around the clams, on the sand, are because I fed them late yesterday. The white spots on them are just grains of sand and the white lines over some of them are just reflections from the lights.
If you want to check on some of the clams that I have shipped so far, there is a post about them in the Clams Section of the boards homepage titled CO Clams from Candycane.
Here is the link about clams I have sold:
Maximas #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

Can You post a pic of one being agitated ? I am new to clams in the tank and recedntly lost one- think it sat WAY too close to an anemone. Kept trying to move it- I think it had a death wish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DameInDistress
Can You post a pic of one being agitated ? I am new to clams in the tank and recedntly lost one- think it sat WAY too close to an anemone. Kept trying to move it- I think it had a death wish.
An anemone wouldn't kill a clam within the first month or so (unless it is some kind that I am unaware of or HUGE) just by getting close enough to touch the clam, or unless the clam was VERY small. It most likely would take several of months of stinging before the clam got to the point where it started to be stressed out from it. Clams can usually tolerate the stings of anemones, all though they are not completely immune to them. If anything ever does happen to the clam, most of the time it is a stress factor; over time the clam just gets too stressed from the constant stinging.
That being said, if anyone has an anemone (even aiptasia), they don't want to buy a clam. If there is even a chance of something in a tank harming the clam, I recommend against buying them.
All the clams are fine. I wouldn't sell them if they didn't respond to light and touch. There are about 30 things that I test for before I even consider posting a picture of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by majormaz
How big are the clams?
All of them are over 2 inches and usually under 3.5 inches. The little mini toenail sized ones I won't sell. Just because they usually get torn apart by things in a tank like shrimp or hermit crabs even if they are healthy.


Hi i am wanting to buy a Crocea from you but will be going on vacation on the 27th of june. will you have more in july thats when i get back and will have the money 2nd week of july if you could let me know. thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MR.M
Hi i am wanting to buy a Crocea from you but will be going on vacation on the 27th of june. will you have more in july thats when i get back and will have the money 2nd week of july if you could let me know. thanks.

I don't know if I will have any in July. If you want to, when you get back, just go ahead and PM or email me and I can let you know.


Active Member
CLAM SALE!! 10% off all clams until Sunday June 21st 2008 at 8:00 pm EST.
I will not be able to ship till Monday or Tuesday.


Just wanted to give a thumbs up to CC for a nice clam, and a top notch guy to deal with.
here is a picture of my baby that I got from him last week. He is happy as a clam,,, and looking good.

How much for this clam in pic#4? to 44028? I 've moved the anemone to my other smaller tank for now. It is a rock anemone- grows like a weed. The clam I had was small about 1.5".


Active Member
Originally Posted by DameInDistress
How much for this clam in pic#4? to 44028? I 've moved the anemone to my other smaller tank for now. It is a rock anemone- grows like a weed. The clam I had was small about 1.5".
I sent you a PM. ALL of the clams above are still available.


Active Member
I have 6 maximas left and 3 croceas. I am looking for 40 dollars a piece. If I still knew what picture they were, then I would tell. But most of them have crawled all over the tank. I need a new tidepool and lights.
I need to get rid of them QUICK so am asking 20 dollars flat rate shipping for anywhere between 1-3 clams
(as long as you live in an area where USPS guarantees next day by 3 or 12, which is nearly the entire US.)
Also, if you would like pictures of the Maximas that are left, then I can email them to you. But the six that are remaining, I think, are EXTREMELY nice looking. PM me or email me at the above address if interested.


Active Member
The black crocea above and one of the maximas are gone. That still leaves 2 croceas and 5 maximas.
The deal above still applies.