Maxima Clam - HELP!


Active Member
Trust me, it'll be obvious when it dies. It'll fall open and you'll see the mantle in shreds, brownish in color and smelling horrible.
Sounds to me like your Maxima is going that way. If you want to keep clams, I'd wait another 6 months for your tank to continue to age, then start with an Derasa. Once you get good with those you can move to Maximas.


Thanks man, I'll wait about 6 more months until my next Maxima.
My Derasa's doing great that I bought at the same time as the Maxima. Looks like I jumped the gun on the Maxima though.


May have pinched mantle's almost always fatal, you can do FW dips but if the progression of the disease is too far there is really nothing you can do. ..there was a huge outbreak of it with alot of clams imported just recently. Also look for pyramid snails, these will destroy a clam. The pyramid snails will be small and spiral shaped, look inside the mouth, & under the mantal. Hope this helps


Originally Posted by swlover
May have pinched mantle's almost always fatal, you can do FW dips but if the progression of the disease is too far there is really nothing you can do. ..there was a huge outbreak of it with alot of clams imported just recently. Also look for pyramid snails, these will destroy a clam. The pyramid snails will be small and spiral shaped, look inside the mouth, & under the mantal. Hope this helps
Thanks for the info. I just looked up pinched mantle and found this great article that also talks about the ppyramid snails.


Yea Barry & Sue know their stuff about clams..I recommend that site. It's all about the care of clams and there are alot of helpful people there. Also check your other clam as well..if it is PMD or snails, your other clam will fall victom of it too.