Maxima Clam


i have 25 gallon tank running with 220 watt pc. do u think i will be able to keep maxima/corcea clam in my tank


Active Member
Another very debatible subject ;)
The Tridacna Maxima will survive under the PC's, but it definitaly won't do as well as it would be if placed under halides. I personally wouldn't get a T. Maxima or T. Crocea to put under that tank, when they would do so much better under halides. Shouldn't we try to mock their natural environments as best as posible? Why Should we place them in anything less than what's recommended? Why risk the life of an innocent creature, by putting them in something that wouldn't be in their original environment?
If you had to buy a clam, I would go with a T. Squamosa clam. These have been known for thriving under VHO's or PC's, and are very colorful. They also grow to about 12", which is nothing compared to the T. Gigas which is documented for growing over 24" long, same goes with the T. Derasa.
Here are some quotes from Rob, on EastCoast Clams, from another board debating the subject "Maxima Clams under Florecent Lighting:"
Metal halides are preferred, esspecially for the more light needing clams including Maxima and Crocea. Clams can be kept under VHO and Power Compacts. If you choose other than Metal Halides please keep your clams high in the rockwork. Better if you also feed them DT's or the like.
I have kept both Crocea's and Maxima's under Power Compact without problem. When I moved clams under Metal Halides the growth was quite a bit faster.
Here's his response after the question "Thanks for the info Rob!! In your opinion, since the clams under VHO and PC grew slower, was this detrimental to their health?" was asked:
Well they did grow slower. I did not notice any health issues, but they were very high up in the rockwork. I also had perfect water conditions(if I may say so myself) and there was still 400 watts of Power Compact lighting. I also fed Dt's regularly.
Professional opinion is Metal halides all the way. Power compacts and VHO can be done, with the right amount of lights, and feeding your clams Dt's or another good live phyto is not only a great idea for your clams, but for your whole reef tank.
I think this is an extremely debatable subject. I personally wouldn't keep any clam under anythig but halides. Just because they could live under lower lighting conditions, doesn't mean that they should be placed under them. Clams seem to do best under halides.


my maxima is still on its first week under vho far it has done well...I have 225watts under a 29g...sounds like you have the same thing I do except you have PC not VHO....
as long as your water quality is good, kh 10-12, 0 nitrite and amonia and nitrate under 20ppm... you also should feed DT's phytoplankton...I would do it...
If your water conditions are good...and the clam is pretty close to the should be fine...
I can tell you though that when you get the clam make sure the LFS guy scopes the clam out of the gravel and gets all those little hair things that attach to the foot...when you put the clam in your tank make a little hole in the substrate and then place the clam in there covering the strings and the foot...its very delicate so be very careful...but in a week I have not seen any bad health a matter of fact the clams color looks better now than it did in the LFS...that may be the color spectrum differance between MH and VHO though...